Your new home in 3 steps


Project of the house

We can build any house
according to any design.


Prefabrication of the house

Prefabricated house elements
are built based on the design.


House assembly

We deliver and assemble
the house within three weeks.

Highest quality guaranteed

The timber-frame houses we build are made according to a strict technological process
(we are ISO 9001:2008 certified) and using only sound, proven quality materials.

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Certified wood

We only use high-quality KVH timber from top manufacturers in the market. We always check the quality of the materials supplied to us before production.

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Good design

We have been building prefabricated timber houses for more than 30 years – our experienced designers will advise, design, and quote for the construction of your dream home.

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Precision manufacturing

The prefabricated house elements are created on a production line integrated into the construction program. The house elements are always made according to design.

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Favourable price

We can offer competitive prices for our services thanks to optimized production and more than 30 years of experience.

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We get our houses to where they need to be, on time.

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Quick installation

Our skilled workers will assemble your home quickly (usually within three weeks) and accurately.

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Almost 1000 satisfied customers. Get to know their opinions

“Po długotrwałej analizie ofert oraz opinii na temat firm zajmujących się budową domów szkieletowych, zdecydowaliśmy się na współpracę z firmą Rega. Od samego początku zwróciliśmy uwagę na pełen profesjonalizm podczas rozmów z Właścicielami firmy, którzy niejednokrotnie chętnie służyli nam swoją radą i doświadczeniem. Budowa naszego domu rozpoczęła się we wrześniu 2017 roku. Pracę Firmy charakteryzowała sumienność, a zakończenie budowy nastąpiło zgodnie z wcześniejszymi ustaleniami. Z pełną odpowiedzialnością możemy polecić firmę Rega wszystkim planującym budowę domu szkieletowego.”

Agnieszka i Damian Ś.

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Highest quality guaranteed

Thanks to our direct cooperation with the best wood suppliers and our modern machinery, we can offer
some of the most competitive prices on the market!

Find out more

How do you order a house?

The whole process, from contract signing to construction completion, takes about three months.

How do you order a house?

Choose and order the house design of your choice (ready-made design from any website, individual design ordered from an architect, etc.) using any technology. Based on that, we will make a branch project in our technology; we will manufacture the elements of the house in our production plant. We transport the house elements to the construction site. Then we build the house in 3 weeks.

Why build a timber frame house?

Our homes are:
– cheap to build and use.
– eco-friendly,
– faster to build.
– built at any time of the year,
– better air quality inside the house compared to brick houses, etc.
– warmer in winter,
– cooler in summer,
– made of high-quality materials. We check the quality of all our suppliers’ products.

We offer you homes that will satisfy the most demanding customers.

What does a timber-framed house look like inside and out?

When finished, a timber frame house looks the same as a brick house on the inside. If you choose to finish the façade in plaster, the house will also look like a brick house from the outside. Visually, you will not be able to tell the difference between a wooden house and a brick house, either inside or outside. However, for those who love the beauty of wooden facades, we can offer an ecologically durable and unique plank facade finish instead of plaster. We also recommend a mixed facade finish, with part board and part plaster. Our team of experienced designers will help you choose the best solution.

See what our customers are saying.

Węgorzyce 16A 72-221 Osina

Contact us

REGA sp. z o.o.
Węgorzyce 16A, 72-221 Osina
tel. +48 91 39 10 802 | tel. +48 516 261 320 | mail:

REGA Construction sp. z o.o.
ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 104, 30-074 Kraków, woj. Małopolskie
ul. Bytkowska 103, 40-148 Katowice, woj. Śląskie
tel. +48 501 700 311 | mail:

Rega HAUS GmbH
Uhlenhorst 21, 14532 Kleinmahnow, Niemcy, Brandenburg
tel. +49 172 465 20 10 | tel. +49 172 465 20 17 | mail:

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